Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Wierd dreams

I have started a sauna club. The sauna club meets in the sauna every Thursday for good sweaty fun.

I have been having wierd dreams lately. I had a dream that Slagsmåsklubben was proudly sposored, not by destiny, but by the Coca-cola Corporation. Their myspace had Coke ads everywhere. This nightmare woke me in a cold sweat. I dreamt that I got on stage at the Winnipeg Folk festival and did a solo beatbox/skeet performance. There was a whole bunch of Norwegians in the audience who really liked it. I also had a dream that I adopted a puppy, had to return to high school to climb a mountain with my snowboarding instructor, crazy stuff.
Anyway, things are good here, I have pictures but I`ve lost the USB cable for my camera. I will post pictures SOON! For those of you who don`t know who Slagsmålskubben are... here is a video!

1 comment:

  1. I like your dream posts. I think you must be sponsored by dreams.
